The panel discussion was composed of
Sophie Buyse (Deutsche Bahn)
Prof. Stefan Akira Jarecki (Warsaw University of Technology)
Nick Brooks (ALLRAIL, the Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants)
Christophe Philippe (UITP), Josef Schneider (EPF Chairman – moderator)
Key takeaways:
✅ Enhancing cross-border rail connections and reducing car travel for long-distance journeys is crucial. Recommendations include addressing technical compatibility of rolling stock and introducing kerosene taxes to compete with air travel.
✅ Ensuring a balanced approach to competition and direct public contract awards while maintaining intermodality, accessibility, affordability, and sustainability.
✅ Balancing intra-rail and intermodal competition, starting with passenger needs and working towards meeting them.
✅ Competition leads to better services, lower prices, easier bookings, and more options. Independent ticket distributors are crucial, and all tickets should be accessible through all vendors.
✅Addressing infrastructure capacity and ensuring track access for new competitors is essential for increased rail traffic and nighttime travel.