On 27th November, ALLRAIL was represented by Katharina Dekeyser and Elmer van Buuren at the IRP Plenary Meeting in Oslo, hosted by the Railway Directorate of the Norwegian Ministry of Transport. The event brought together key stakeholders from the rail sector such as ERA, Entur, and EPF.

Katharina delivered a presentation outlining ALLRAIL’s latest positions on rail ticketing. She emphasised the ongoing challenge of seamless rail ticketing across EU borders, highlighting that improved accessibility remains a top priority for ALLRAIL. To achieve this, we strongly advocate for impartial ticket retailing, where all rail tickets are accessible and sold through all rail ticket vendors, including those of market-dominant, state-owned incumbents.

To address these challenges, ALLRAIL supports the implementation of the NeTEx ticketing standard. Developed transparently and in a non-discriminatory manner, NeTEx offers cross-modal functionality, enabling first- and last-mile (or door-to-door) bookings. This cross-modality, successfully demonstrated in Norway, aligns with ALLRAIL’s vision of seamless and accessible rail travel for all.