January 2024: this month, a Global Ukraine Rail Task Force delegation headed back to Kyiv to present the largest cheque so far – 130,000 euros – to the Trade Union of Ukraine Railway Workers, to purchase many more thousands of food packages that will be distributed to railway workers and their families at the frontline of the war.
The CEO of Ukrainian Railways (UZ) Yevhen Lyashchenko and the CEO of UZ’s Passenger Rail division Alexander Pertsovskyi received the cheque from Nick Brooks, Jon McGrath and Tim Hollaway of the Global Ukraine Rail Task Force (“GURTF”), together with Steve Montgomery, David Brown and Andy Bagnall from the UK rail association Rail Partners and David Juris from WE AID (part of the global charity United Way).
Other rail sector colleagues also attended the ceremony (see the photo above). All in all, we are very grateful for both the many smaller individual donations as well as the larger donations from Rail Partners’ members, some other UK railway companies, Norway’s rail infrastructure manager Bane NOR and Swedish Railways (SJ).
Regrettably, Russia’s War of Aggression against Ukraine continues with no sign of it ending anytime soon. Next, the GURFT is collecting money to transport urgent medical supplies collected in other parts of the world to the frontline to the medical facilities of Ukrainian Railways. Therefore: even more donations are needed.
Consequently, we encourage everyone to continue to donate (in EUR, GBP, USD and some other leading currencies) via the secure payment platform of our verified charity partner United Way / WE AID:
Let’s make a meaningful impact together!