ALLRAIL President Elmer van Buuren speaks at the RailNetEurope (RNE) Summit on Capacity Regulation
Photo courtesy of RNE

During Panel 1 of the summit – about the sector views on the draft EU Capacity Management Regulation – there was a clear statement by ALLRAIL’s President, Elmer van Buuren, about the need to still fully implement the 2016 EU 4th Railway Package, about the unused IT tools by IM, the Council position on the draft regulation and the potentially unbalanced commercial conditions for operators.

During the course of the day-long event, Elmer also took the floor from the audience and asked how RNE as potential Network Coordinator, but especially also a potential future European Network of Infrastructure Managers (ENIM), is going to make sure that individual national infrastructure managers adhere to any new EU Capacity Regulation. What mechanisms will be in place to make sure that they do not ‘go rogue’?

Photo courtesy of RNE

Even in the current situation before any new capacity regulation, RNE does not manage to make all its member infrastructure managers respect its capacity allocation calendar, and to make them use the IT tools that it has developed. So how can the railway operators – who are the customers – be sure that the ambitious solutions and processes that RNE may have will consequently be adopted all across the entire Single EU Rail Area?

ALLRAIL looks forward to continuing to work together with FTE and ERFA in the future on answering these essential questions.