New Parliament, New Commission, New Chance
The ALLRAIL Team in Brussels (left to right): Nick Brooks, Salim Benkirane, Katharina Dekeyser, and Armand Duthil

Brussels, 12 June 2024

EU citizens have spoken at the ballot box, confirming a continued pro-European majority in the EU Parliament.

This offers the chance to combine both an industrial policy that promotes growth together with the transition to climate neutrality:

By strengthening the Single European Railway Area.

As we have seen in those EU Member States where market liberalisation already happens, it grows the rail sector while enabling more sustainable transport.

Over the past 30 years, the liberalisation of the EU airline sector has enabled millions of Europeans to travel across the continent.

▶ Now, we need the same for passenger rail.

Standing at the EU Parliament in Brussels today, ALLRAIL’s team expresses its commitment to work alongside the new EU Parliament and the new EU Commission over the next 5 years to ensure the successful implementation of a more competitive and sustainable rail market before 2029.