Ekspert: Tog-typerne skal hoste op med data, så transportrevolutionen kommer tilbage på skinner
”Det, som vi ultimativt har brug for i Europa ifølge os er et system, en eller flere digitale platforme, som giver passagerer muligheden for at tage fra én jernbanestation til en anden et sted i EU,” lyder det fra Nick Brooks.
Han er generalsekretær i Allrail, en sammenslutning af selvstændige passagertogselskaber, der arbejder som en NGO for at skabe mere åbenhed blandt jernbaneselskaber i Europa.
Ursula von der Leyen Correctly Identifies Ticketing Fragmentation as the Biggest Problem in EU Passenger Rail
In her Political Guidelines for the Next European Commission, the re-elected President of the EU Commission Dr Ursula von der Leyen correctly identifies the fragmentation of ticketing as the biggest problem in EU passenger rail. The next 5 years of the new EU Commission will be crucial to legislate and introduce solutions – it is Now or Never.
20 Years of Empowering Railways: The EU Agency for Railways Stands for One Europe, One Railway
As the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) celebrated its 20th anniversary, ALLRAIL’s team travelled to its home city of Valenciennes to reflect on the Agency’s achievements so far. The ERA plays a central role in harmonising a fragmented EU rail market, and now it should be given more responsibility and funding.
To Compete With The Car, Multimodal Door-To-Door Bookings Using Ground-Based Public Transport Must Be Possible
This month, at a meeting in Brussels, European Transport Ministers called on the EU to make rail the backbone of European mobility and that “passengers can easily compare, book and pay for their door-to-door train journey in a trans-European perspective".
It must be possible for travellers to book door-to-door journeys across the EU using ground-based public transport at the same App or website – in one single transaction - with rail as the backbone of the trip.