ALLRAIL takes part in lunch event hosted by the Representation of the European Region Tyrol – South Tyrol – Trentino
ALLRAIL's President Elmer van Buuren and Secretary General Nick Brooks took part in an informal networking lunch hosted by the Representation of the European Region Tyrol - South Tyrol - Trentino at its office in Brussels.
ALLRAIL celebrates launch of European Sleeper’s new service between Belgium and the Alps
The ALLRAIL team (Nick Brooks, Katharina Dekeyser, Salim Benkirane and Aurélie Csizmazia) celebrated the launch event of the independent operator European Sleeper's new long-distance service between Belgium and the Alps, crossing several internal EU borders along the way.
The New Direct Award To Dutch Railways (NS) Will Cost More – For Both Passengers And Taxpayers
Netherlands: The government has directly awarded a new 9-year Public Service Obligation contract (‘PSC’) to state-owned NS to operate the Main Rail Network from 2025 until 2033.
But it is still not finalised: an infringement procedure is ongoing. Market opening would be better - for both passengers & taxpayers.
De Onderhandse Gunning Van Het Hoofdrailnet Aan NS Gaat Meer Kosten – Voor Zowel Reizigers Als Belastingbetalers
De Nederlandse overheid heeft een 9-jarige hoofrailnetconcessie voor de periode 2025 tot en met 2033 onderhands gegund aan NS.
Maar het is nog niet definitief: er loopt een inbreukprocedure. Marktopening zou beter zijn - zowel voor de reizigers als voor de belastingbetalers.