
PSO Subsidies For Me, But Not For Thee: SJ’s Curious Case Of Double Standards

In her interview with Swedish news outlet DN, SJ's CEO Monica Lingegård said: “Given the regions’ finances and the need to be careful with taxpayers' money, you need to ensure that you do not compete with commercial traffic unnecessarily. That we let commercial traffic live and grow in a good way”. However, it seems SJ's stance on taxpayer-funded competition changes depending on which side of the subsidy cheque they are on.

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Kritik mot SJ:s krav

SJ:s krav på ekonomiskt stöd från Trafikverket och Jernbanedirektoratet har fått ALLRAIL att se rött. ALLRAIL, som har MTR, Flixtrain och Transdev, som medlemmar, kräver att de svenska och norska regeringarna stoppar det ”orättvisa skattefinansierade stödet” till SJ.

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Bane NOR og norsk jernbanesektor donerer ytterligere 1000 matkasser til Ukraina

Etter å ha vært med på reisen som Global Ukraine Rail Task Force foretok til Kyiv i april 2023 har Solfrid Cristina Hammersmark – seksjonssjef for Internasjonal seksjon i Bane NOR – intensivert arbeidet med å samle inn penger til flere matkasser.

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PRESS RELEASE about the re-branding of the Norwegian incumbent rail operator NSB

This month – in April 2019 - the Norwegian incumbent rail operator NSB has followed, re-branding itself into “Vy”. This new name “translates from Norwegian as ‘vision’, reflecting the company’s forward-looking, person-focussed outlook” , especially with regard to the future multi-modal setting for public transport.


Rail ticket reform in Norway – A role model for EU rail passenger rights

As part of its intention to grow passenger rail, Norway’s government has separated the in-house sales division of the state-owned incumbent NSB from the operator and it turned it into an entity that will show & sell ALL passenger rail operators impartially – regardless whether the incumbent or a different operator.
