Open Access

2025 Quarter One Hybrid Board of Directors meeting

Our hybrid Board of Directors' meeting for the 1st Quarter of 2025 took place both online and at our office in Brussels.

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ALLRAIL celebrates launch of European Sleeper’s new service between Belgium and the Alps

The ALLRAIL team (Nick Brooks, Katharina Dekeyser, Salim Benkirane and Aurélie Csizmazia) celebrated the launch event of the independent operator European Sleeper's new long-distance service between Belgium and the Alps, crossing several internal EU borders along the way.

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First et ALLRAIL donnent la priorité au libre accès

Selon un nouveau rapport, la pression exercée sur les opérateurs à accès libre, en particulier en Grande-Bretagne, devrait être remise en question. L’Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants, plus connue sous le nom de groupe de pression ferroviaire européen AllRail, s’est prononcée en faveur des opérateurs à accès ouvert sur l’ensemble du continent.

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FirstGroup makes its case for open access alongside Great British Railways

UK: FirstGroup has published Moving Forward Together: Why open access is essential for a better railway, a report setting out its case for retaining a ‘thriving’ open access sector as part of the restructured railway.

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New Report: 25 Years of Open Access Success

The operator First Rail published a report on the strong track record of Open Access since its subsidiary Hull Trains launched in 2000 - and it looks to serve dozens of new destinations in the future. The new Report sets out the economic case for how Open Access can attract people out of cars and planes and onto trains, growing the entire rail sector, while investing in train fleets and customer service.

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