PSO Subsidies For Me, But Not For Thee: SJ’s Curious Case Of Double Standards
In her interview with Swedish news outlet DN, SJ's CEO Monica Lingegård said: “Given the regions’ finances and the need to be careful with taxpayers' money, you need to ensure that you do not compete with commercial traffic unnecessarily. That we let commercial traffic live and grow in a good way”. However, it seems SJ's stance on taxpayer-funded competition changes depending on which side of the subsidy cheque they are on.
Kritik mot SJ:s krav
SJ:s krav på ekonomiskt stöd från Trafikverket och Jernbanedirektoratet har fått ALLRAIL att se rött. ALLRAIL, som har MTR, Flixtrain och Transdev, som medlemmar, kräver att de svenska och norska regeringarna stoppar det ”orättvisa skattefinansierade stödet” till SJ.
One Last Time Before The 4th EU Railway Package: Swedish Incumbent SJ Attempts To Get A New Direct Award Just Before The Deadline
Over the past two years, SJ has been actively lobbying authorities and the tourism industry in Jämtland (Sweden) and Trøndelag (Norway) for direct Stockholm-Trondheim services. While being presented as an SJ "investment", it would actually be funded by taxpayers and probably create a monopoly.
Nick Brooks takes part in a panel discussion on “Seamless Rail Ticketing” during the Rail Transport Day in Stockholm
ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks participated in a panel discussion on the theme “Seamless rail ticketing”, in the framework of Rail Transport Day, which was organised by the RailNetEurope (grouping of infrastructure managers and allocation bodies) and the Swedish presidency of the EU Council in Stockholm.