Vertical separation

Czech Republic: the Single EU Rail Market at Risk of Existing in Name Only

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Czech Republic: a New Report by RegioJet report alleges ČD received illegal State aid

ALLRAIL member, independent operator RegioJet has published a detailed report on how it believes that the state-owned incumbent passenger rail operator Czech Railways (ČD) has been the beneficiary of illegal State Aid, and warns of another attempt in the making.

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154% Growth: Czechia is the Hidden Gem of EU Passenger Rail

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Integrated Rail Bodies Do Not Create Simplicity – They Create Bureaucracy

Germany’s state-owned rail incumbent Deutsche Bahn (DB) is often held up as a role model of a vertically integrated rail body – managing track and trains together. But the facts tell a different story.

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ALLRAIL took part in the 25th Florence Rail Forum organised by the Florence School of Regulation, on the Evaluation of the Recast Directive establishing the Single European Railway Area.

ALLRAIL Board Director Tom Buchhold, ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks and some other passenger rail sector colleagues took part in the 25th Florence Rail Forum co-organised by the Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation together with the European Commission’s DG MOVE, about the topic of the Evaluation of the Recast Directive establishing the Single EU Railway Area.

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